@ChrisPerkinsDnD Can a flesh golem, Vasilka for example, wield some kind of weapon, or can it only use the Slam attack in the stat block?
— LaKota Wilbourne (@Towermon222) March 10, 2017
Flesh golems can wield weapons but probably aren't proficient with them. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/ZmxCVkadkp
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) March 10, 2017
@chrisperkinsdnd but the DM can change de slam attack to a sword attack causing the same damage, only for cosmetic appeal.
— Alessandro Guarita (@aleguarita) March 10, 2017
A DM can do anything. You can put roller blades on a flesh golem and give it a really big hockey stick if you think that's cool. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/2h5adGGCyP
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) March 10, 2017